
Feeling the karaoke love

For the first time since moving back to Toronto from San Francisco back in spring 2001, I missed a Kick Ass Karaoke. I had to do a little freelance programming work for a client in order to guarantee that I’d be able to cover next month’s rent.

I thought my absence would go unnoticed, but it didn’t, which proves two things:

  • Never doubt the power of the accordion
  • More importantly, I’ve got some great friends. I love you all!

A phone message from Will

Monday, 6:00 p.m.

Call answer voice: You have…one…new message. To hear this message, press “one”

Will:Hey, Joey, it’s Will! Long time no see, and we missed you at karaoke last week. You never miss it! I hope everything’s okay.

Hey, I’m actually at the gym and I’m watching you in the Body Attack class right now, doing those punches. Looking good, my friend, looking good…oops, you just went the wrong way…oh, there you go.

Anyhow, I hope everything’s okay, you were missed at karaoke, let’s catch up some time. Talk to you soon. Ciao! [Beep]

Thanks, Will! I’ll give you a ring.

Email from Carson

Wednesday, 5:52 a.m.

Missed you last week.

Everything OK? Do you have that flu?

All your sweet babies came.

Joey! Where are you?

— Cars

All my sweet babies came? Damn my client! Damn him to hell!

Oh wait, I need his money. Bless my client! Bless him!

Next month, sweet babies, next month! I’ll catch up with you soon, Carson!

A phone call from Karin

Karin: Hey there! We missed you last Wednesday. I was a little worried. You weren’t sick, were you?

Me: No, I was doing some urgent work for a client. I needed the money and they needed it first thing the following morning.

Karin: That’s too bad. We had a great time. We did The Strokes’ Last Nite. Will was there. We all missed you, and Carson was asking where you were.

Me: I wanted to be there. I haven’t missed a single Kick Ass Karaoke in about a year and a half.

Karin: It was a lot of fun, but I think I’ll be doing things a little more low-key for the next few weeks.

Me: And low-key for you is what…keeping it down to seven, maybe eight drinks?

Just kidding, Karin! Looking forward to a low-key evening soon.

Once again, to all my friends: thanks, and the job situation is improving dramatically. I’ll be back on the scene before you know it.

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