
Some scenes from Saturday

This weekend, I was triple-booked: a birthday party for my friend Eldon “Gumby” Brown, who’s just returned to Toronto from a number of years in Vangroovy, followed by a mellow Christmas party at Chris’ place, followed by another party thrown by my friends Matt and Brenda. Here are some scenes from the last party of the evening, at 7 Fraser Street, the warehouse loft (a real one, not a “loft-o-minium”) where that most influential of bloggers, Mr. Cory Doctorow, resided before moving to San Fran-scarcity.

Photo: Grace, seated, trying the brownies.

Heeeeere’s Grace! Grace is here for a while, so I thought I’d show her about town and introduce her to my friends…

Photo: Char in gold dress and mid-blink, but it's still a cute shot.

…one of whom is Char. This is a new dress of hers, which she bought so that she could attend the Naked News party. (She doesn’t read on the Naked News, she’s just a friend of one of the news writers.)

Photo: Paul plays with the cat as Grace and Char look on.

Paul, the cat, Grace and Char. Paul’s got the catnip mouse and has the cat’s unidvided attention.

Photo: Kim sticks out both butt and tongue.

Kim strikes a pose worthy of a Diesel Jeans ad.

Photo: View of Brenda and Matt's living room area as seen from their office area (hey, it's a loft). Matt DJs in the foreground, guests dance in the background.

DJ Matt breaks into the ’80’s set, starting with The The’s Perfect.

Photo: Grace and Char pose together, Char holds a nutcracker.

Grace and Char promise to crack your nuts and stuff ’em in their mouths.

Photo: Grace and Char pose together, Grace and Char each hold an arm of the nutcracker.

Ah, teamwork!

Photo: Char in her coat and my flaming toque.

Char tries on my hat.

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