
Cakes don’t get much geekier than this

What kind of birthday cake do you get for your C++/Python coding, Peekabooty-writing, Mars Society-joining housemate?

A triple-chocolate cake from the amazing Dufflet Bakery is a start. But the geekiness comes in the decorating:

Photo: Chocolate cake with candles that spell '1337' and icing that reads 'Happy 11100 Paul'.

OMFG!!!1!11!!1!! T|-|4T 15 TEH G33K135T…C4|<3...3VAR!!!!111!!!

(For the non-geeks reading this, 1337 means leet, a hacker diminutive for the word elite, while 11100 is 28 in binary.)

Geeky presents abounded: I got Paul a copy of the Python Cookbook, while Zooko got him a copy of Extreme Programming Explained. It had all the marks of a party that takes place at this house: good people, way too much food and drink, a bathtub full of ice, pop and booze, and — of course — “Happy Birthday” on accordion.

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