
More weblog entries back from the dead!

Here are some other classic weblog entries that had gone missing, but have been recovered thanks to my archives:

Death to Disney, part 1 and Death to Disney, part 2. December 2000. Rants on copyright and fair use.

Sayonara 2001. December 31st, 2001. What a crappy year.

Sacked. January 2002: Getting fired from OpenCola.

One helluva Saturday night. January 2002: A lovely evening with many stories.

Snow job, part 1 and Snow job, part 2. February 2002: Tales of my days selling sno-cones on the street in Toronto.

Tina’s Birthday. April 2002. Actually, the text for this entry was not lost, but the photos were. I’ve since put them back up.

Now it can be told May 2002. Had a date, got a job.

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