
New blog

I’ve decided to go ahead and create a new blog, The Happiest Geek on Earth. The first posting, which summarizes the differences between my work environment six months ago and now, is here.

I’m not actually planning on increasing the amount of blogging I do; I think I do more than enough already. Instead, it’s just a way for me to keep things from getting too tech-heavy for what really is a “slice of life” kind of journal. The rule of thumb will be that anything more about programming in Happiest Geek and the rest goes into AccordionGuy. Some stories are going to straddle the line between “slice-of-life” and programming (for example, today’s post); in those cases, I’ll make a judgement call. You won’t miss a thing if decide to bookmark only this blog; since I consider The Adventures of AccordionGuy in the 21st Century to be the “main” blog, I’ll post a link to any Happiest Geek postings here.

As for the title of the blog, I’ve got to hand it to Cory Doctorow for coming up with that one. He’s often used it to descri himself, and he recently used it to describe me. I thought it was a fitting title for the blog, and since I couldn’t think of any decent titles (“Actually, AccordionGuy does have a day job”, “Yet another goddamned programmer’s soapbox for bitching”, “Reading this blog is like pissing in OpenCola’s mouth”), I went with that one.

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