
I do have a lot of stuff backlogged…

Such as Zooko’s and Jill’s visits to Toronto, the Lindi gig at C’est What, and all kinds of other happenings, but it’s a gorgeous day in Toronto today. Sunny, not a cloud in the sky, and it’s 28 degrees Celsius (that’s 82 degrees Fahrenheit for my American friends) outside! The Queen Street girls have already switched to tank tops and shorts, so I’m wasting time just sitting here and typing this in.

Besides, not only did I have a big client meeting today, I even built a quick-and-dirty prototype to prove that the program could be built in timely fashion, thus making a nice little pay-my-immediate-bills short-term contract very likely (I’d give myself 9 in 10 odds of getting it). I’ve earned a little bit of a life this evening. It’s time to haul out the accordion and busk.

All you programmers that are in the same nice weather bubble as Toronto (or experiencing a similarly glorious day): I strongly suggest you shut off the machine and go outside and experience the fully-immersive zillions-of-polygons interactive experience out there.

I don’t think the non-programmers out there need to be told that.

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