
Gig Update

Lindi and me on stage. Never underestimate the stage presence of a cute girl in a pretty dress or a goof in a silly hat and sillier pants. Thanks to Nathan Ng for the photo!

The gig went quite well. I’m a little too busy to post the details and photos right now, but I’ll do so soon. In the meantime, check out this review of Lindi’s album, which appeared in this week’s edition of eye magazine (one of the free “alternative” weeklies here in Toronto)

The Taste of Forbidden Fruit

(4 stars)

Not to be confused with the friendly giant of local guitar-pop [they’re referring to a popular guy name Lindy — Joey], this Lindi (also blond, also well-known to local audiences) is an emotive piano chanteuse par excellence. Judging by the quality of the compositions on this, her debut, she’ll soon leave her indie status behind for the next level. Whether she’s playing a sympathetic ear (“Nothing at All“), dreamy romantic (“Coffee Shops”), craftycabaret singer (“Sweet Jezebel“) or naughty little thing (“Naughty Little Thing”), this ingenue displays a remarkable poise and class that belie her 22 years. The bandwagon starts here and now — the intrigued are advised to jump aboard before being forced to shell out 40 bones to see this precocious crooner headline at Roy Thomson Hall.

One point of information: she’s not blonde. Well, not anymore. She was, when the photos for her album and site were taken.

As for the Roy Thomson Hall remark, I have two things to say:

  • A high compliment ending a great review! Congrats, Lindi!
  • Cool! I’ll get to play accordion at at Roy Thomson Hall!

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