Every day, I check out my friend Fipi Lele’s offering of interesting picture files. Today, one file with the title Lord Diller Presley caught my eye, so I opened it and found this rare treasure: a photo featuring Elvis Presley, Phyllis Diller and Jack Lord (Steve McGarrett from Hawaii Five-O):
Click the photo to see it at full size. Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.
As an owner and operator of big sideburns, it’s a wonderful thing to see two of my sideburn heroes in the same picture.
You know it’s a wild party when those three show up and start hanging out.
2 replies on ““Lord Diller Presley””
That is not Phyllis Diller. That is Jack Lord’s wife, Marie (Marie de Narde).
YEAH, ya’ dork.
It’s his WIFE, not “Phyliss Diller” … duh!