
Executive Coloring Book / Song of the Week (“Push th’ Little Daisies”, 1992)

Welcome back to the working week!

For today, the last Monday of the month, some Monday-related entertainment. First, here are some scans from The Executive Coloring Book. It may seem mildly amusing today, but it must’ve been downright subversive to some when it was first released in 1961 (here’s a review from Time magazine, dated Frdiay, December 29, 1961, in which it’s reviewed alongside the equally counter-culture Uncle Shelby’s ABZ Book, written by good ol’ Shel Silverstein.

Executive Coloring Book.
Image courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.

Continuing with the “Monday blues” theme, here’s the song of the week: Ween’s Push th’ Little Daisies, a classic that Rik “Please, the name is DJ Stinky Poo-Poo!” Young introduced to me during his sets at the Caribbean Club back in that wacky summer of 1992. As with all songs of the week, this will evaporate in a week [Update: A week has passed and the song is now gone]. Enjoy!

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