
“I Want to Trek You Like an Animal”

Here’s a video that marries two guilty pleasures of mine: Star Trek and Nine Inch Nails, plus one thing that I find amusing from a distance (sometimes, a very great distance): slash fiction.

In this video, which recontextualizes footage from the original Star Trek series and uses Nine Inch Nails’ Closer as background music, the creators ask the question “What if they hadn’t made it to Vulcan on Time?”.

(For those of you who don’t get the reference, there’s an episode titled Amok Time in which Spock experiences the pon farr, the Vulcan mating urge that they must answer once every seven years. If they don’t mate during the pon farr, they die. In the episode, Spock gets his “seven-year” itch at the same time the Enterprise is called to attend an important ceremony on Altair IV, making it impossible for Spock to get to Vulcan to get it on with the woman promised to him. Hilarity ensues.)

Please note: The background song, Closer contains lyrics depicting the very adult condition of sexual desperation. There’s a brief flash of nudity in the video, and whoever edited the video has done an excellent job of recontextualizing tame-enough-for-TV scenes into something racy enough for “Skinemax”.

So. Very. Wrong.

Yeah, the video’s been up for a while. I have no idea how I missed this one.

Bonus Stuff!

Oh, yeah…the “fight music” from the original Star Trek [1.8MB MP3]. I wanted this played at our wedding, but the Ginger Ninja said no.

One reply on ““I Want to Trek You Like an Animal””

That was terrifyingly awesome. I wanted to show it to my fiancée, because she loves Trek, but I realized that she’d hate me afterwards. Because she loves Star Trek.

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