Two Fridays ago
Every now and again, Slut School — a group of Will’s friends from his high school, a school of the arts somewhere in Mississauga, a suburban sattelite city of Toronto — holds a DJ night. It’s usually at in Lounge 56, a basement dance club nestled between food stores in Kensington Market. Accordiong to Eva, one of the organizers, Slut School got its name from a remark her mom had made when she saw her and her friends getting ready to go out one night: “it looks like a slut school.”
(Memo to self: go to art school in your next life.)
The DJs played a great set — some funk, some jungle, some drum and bass, some ambient, and even let me drop some accordion science over some breakbeats. The evening ended at around 3, after which Will and I headed to Swatow for some fine Fukien-style Chinese cuisine.
And now, the photos…
And finally, because so many of you demanded it, more Heaven Lee. Even Heaven Lee asked if I had any more “cute” shots of her. It don’t get any cuter than this [Warning: not work safe.]. Cheeky girl!